What Can't I Get Funding For?

- Goalposts which have already been purchased or ordered
- Goalposts for the exclusive use of educational establishments for their students, or from clubs that play within the National League System (Step 1 to 6), Women’s Football Pyramid (Tiers 1 – 4) or the Welsh Premier League
- Individual Goalposts (Goalposts must be purchased in pairs)
- Replacement of Goalpost parts or nets
- Goalposts for use on a 3G pitch that's not on the FA 3G Pitch Register
- Replacement of Goalposts for 3G artificial grass pitches that have previously been funded by the Foundation
- Replacement of Goalposts that have previously been purchased with Football Foundation funding
- Other items such as corner flags, football kit, footballs, cones
- An individual or sole trader
- A national governing body
- A commercial / for-profit entity
- A club within the Premier League, Football League, National League System (Step 1 to 6), Women’s Football Pyramid (Tier 1 – 4) or the Welsh Premier League
- Educational establishments providing facilities solely for their students
Need support with your application? Find our resources here
Things to Note
If you’re a Football Club applying for a Football Foundation grant, you must be the Chair, Secretary or Treasurer of that Club to submit an application and co-sign the required forms. We’ll verify that you hold one of these roles, when you set up an account with us.
If the Goalposts are for use on a 3G pitch, the pitch should be certified for use and listed on The FA’s 3G Pitch Register.
The FA and British Standards Institution (BSI), in conjunction with manufacturers, have developed standards for Goalposts - EN16579 and BS EN 748. Your supplier must ensure that the Goalposts you’re seeking to purchase meet this standard. You must then ensure they’re correctly installed in accordance with manufacturer requirements. Further details on Goalpost safety can be found here.
- There are no tenure requirements for the purchase of Goalposts.
- You’ll need to confirm that you’re able to provide the balance of partnership funding - e.g. by providing a club bank statement.
- You’ll need to provide a copy of the delivery note and final invoice that confirms a full or partial payment as part of the claims process.
- You must order the quantity and type of Goalposts that you outlined in your application and are offered funding towards. For example, if you have been offered funding towards one set of 11v11 Goalposts, you can't use the funding to then purchase two sets of Mini Soccer goals instead. If you need to change your order, please contact us first before making the order.
- We’d strongly recommend that for safety and security reasons, all Goalposts are safely removed and stored when they aren’t in use. Have a look to see if you’re eligible for a Storage Container grant.
You’ll need to identify the size of Goalposts you wish to purchase and submit the online application form detailing the preferred chosen supplier, number of pairs (not individual goals), size, price, VAT (if applicable) and quantity.
It is important your chosen Goalposts meet British Standards (BSEN 748: 2013 and 2018 and BS EN 16579:2018). You may be asked to evidence this when claiming your grant.