Minor and major building works that:

  • Enhance facilities,
  • Address health and safety issues and improve the financial health of your organisation by reducing operating costs,
  • Increase income streams and
  • Maintain or increase participation in football

These usually include projects such as the refurbishment, modernisation and creation of new or replacement changing rooms, toilets and clubhouses.


  • Works to football stadia in the National League System (Steps 1-6), Women’s Football Pyramid (Tiers 1 – 4) or the Welsh Premier League
  • The conversion of containers, portacabins or other temporary structures into changing rooms, clubrooms, toilets or catering facilities
  • Grants to support the ongoing running costs of buildings or to carry out routine maintenance works (e.g., painting and decorating).
  • Temporary structures (such as marquees) 

Need support with your application? Find our resources here


Due to the many varied works that may be required to improve a Changing Pavilion or Clubhouse, we ask that you speak to your County FA or Foundation Delivery Manager prior to submission.

They‘ll be able to clarify, with the support of the Foundation’s Technical team, if all the elements of the application meet the eligible criteria and also clarify the level of information and detail that should be submitted with the application. A question within the application form will ask you to confirm that you’ve been in touch.

Ideally, we require grant applications to be accompanied by an independent condition survey or inspection report of the facility which clearly recommends the works that need to be undertaken. If this isn’t available, alternative evidence of the need will be required, which must include photographs highlighting the issue, or the condition of the current facilities.

We’ll ask you to submit specifications and drawings that clearly detail the scope of the proposed works. They should comply with the Football Foundation minimum design requirements unless otherwise agreed in writing. Further guidance can be found here.

Planning permission may be required for your improvement work, so please check with your Local Authority and ensure this is in place before you apply for funding from us. You’ll need to provide evidence that planning permission has been obtained or written confirmation from the Local Authority that planning permission isn’t required. Further guidance regarding planning permission can be found here.

You may also require Building Regulations approval. If so, upon completion of the works, we’ll require a final certificate from the Local Building Control Officer (or Approved Inspector) that confirms the works comply with Building Regulations. Further information regarding the Building Regulations can be found here.

The statutory fees payable for securing planning permission and Building Regulations approval may be included in your grant application as an eligible cost of the project. Professional fees for design and management services are also eligible.

Routine maintenance works such as unblocking drains, minor roof repairs, repainting, or replacement floor coverings aren’t considered eligible for grants as individual projects. However, if these form part of a larger refurbishment project, then they may be considered eligible.

Upon completion, we’ll require copies of mechanical and electrical test certificates for electrical, fire alarm, heating and hot water installation works prior to the release of the final 5% of the grant.

We’ll also require written confirmation of the landlord's consent to undertake the proposed works, unless you own the facility, or the landlord is included as a joint applicant.