Coronavirus Update

Like everywhere else, we are adjusting the way we work at the Football Foundation in response to the coronavirus outbreak.  We have taken action to protect our team and to ensure that we can continue to support the development of grassroots football facilities. 

The safety of our team and everyone we work with is our priority. We are closely monitoring the latest Government and Public Health England guidance so that we operate appropriately.

For the time being, we will avoid all non-essential travel and we will work from home.  In doing so, we have policies and practices in place to allow us to minimise disruption and continue working with our partners and applicants. We will keep people informed of any changes as we adapt to the ongoing situation in line with advice provided by the authorities. We understand that this is a hugely difficult time for everyone and we will be as flexible as we can be in supporting you every step of the way. 

If you have any queries or challenges, no matter how big or small, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us, either directly or by emailing

With very best wishes, 

Robert Sullivan

Interim CEO, Football Foundation

Frequently asked questions

Q. Can I still apply for Football Foundation funding?

  • Yes, you can.  We are adjusting the way we work in response to the coronavirus outbreak and continue to be committed to supporting the growth of grassroots football across the country. 

Q. Can i still post my application documents to the Football Foundation office?

  • Due to coronavirus, our office is closed until further notice, so please email your documents to us. If your only option is to send them by post, please call us on 0345 345 4555.

Q. I am applying for funding through the grass pitch improvement fund - am i still expected to have my application in by 31st March?

  • No. We have decided to extend the 31st March deadline previously set for applications and leave it open until further notice. If we make a decision to change the application process for this fund, we’ll communicate well in advance to give plenty of warning.

Q. Work on my new facility is complete - when will I be able to have my opening ceremony?

  • The Football Foundation is following Government and Public Health England guidance relating to mass gatherings. As such, we are recommending that all applicants that who have recently opened their new Football Foundation-funded facility does not arrange any events that would contradict these guidelines. We will continue to monitor the situation in the coming weeks and are happy to help with any questions you may have in relation to your opening event. Contact for more information.

Q. I've been sent press release templates from the grant portal - can i still share the news with media?

  • Yes, you can still share your good news. Feel free to use the templates to share your announcement with local media and on your social media channels.

Q. Our new facility is currently under construction - should we continue with the build?

  • The current situation does not affect our funding commitments to you, but we understand that you may be re-evaluating the plans for your project to decide how best to proceed. For us to advise and support you in the right way and plan effectively, we ask that you please keep us updated about your plans and share any issues affecting your project, no matter how big or small.  We’re here to support you and will be as flexible as we can be every step of the way.
